..."I'm busy doing nothing..."
Because I have woken up today with a bad bout of vertigo.
Thankfully, it doesn't happen often.
Mostly, I feel like this when I'm over-tired, which has most certainly been the last couple of days. I'm just a bit miffed that today, on my day off, it's really burst forth in violence.
Never mind, I shall live, and this trial will pass!
In the meantime, I can report to you that I'm typing from bed. And if I turn my dizzy head (slowly so as to avoid nausea) to the right, I see this little curio shelf thing on my wall. The little block sayings at the top need finishing off. Before I left the States, I bought the blocks from a Dollar Store, and glued the sayings together. Now I want to paint the other sides... maybe that'll get done today... maybe not, in favour of working on my crochet or something!
Oh.. and yes... I like pigs! No shortage of them here at Cobbnut Cozy... which is what I've begun to call my little home. Cobb nuts are beginning to fall all over my garden... the tree next door is trying it's best to move in with me, and making his presence known by giving me these "gifts"!
Hopefully, in just a little while, I'll be even less dizzy, and will be able to go off to the bathroom (window below) for a shower and some beautifying... well, okay, so maybe beautifying is too hopeful, but after I've tried, I can't possibly be so scary to the population in general! :-)
And then, if I'm still not well enough to get on with more interesting activities, it'll be me on the sofa for quite some time! Cushions abound here... flowery ones from a favourite aunt..striped ones from my sister... pale green from my dear old grandmother's armchair (many memories of that old lady in her chair)...and the Union Flag cushion was a gift to me from me when I was out of the country.
And there ya go. Always something positive to be said about not feeling well...you have to find the good in all, or else you'd go mad, I think. :-)
Today's good in it all? Well, I got to upload some photos onto the computer, and show you a few more things around the Cobbnut Cozy...
Hoping you are all much healthier than I am feeling at the moment! And if for some awful reason, you're not, then I send healing love and light...
Namaste, my friends.
All content ©artysane